Has a rounded metal body and makes 25x25mm exposures on Bolta film.

Top plate is removable for loading film, and is attached by a screw at the left side as seen by the photographer.

The film advance knob is at the top left, and has a manual exposure counter around the base. There is a red window in the back.

The viewfinder is contained in a short casing .

The name HOBIX is inscribed above, together with Tougodo’s TG logo and the initials T.G.C.W. ( for Tougo Camera Works).

The shutter has I and B settings.

The front plate is marked HOBIX , and under the lens Mede in occupied Japan

Lens is a simple meniscus +/- 35mm /f9

A very rare camera and have just seen one other example, same size but improved model.

The viewfinder is contained in a short casing extending towards the right. The name HOBIX is inscribed above, together with Tougodo TG logo and the initials T.G.C.W. (surely for Tougo Camera Works).

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