A very rare and hard to find Camera inside a wallet.

This wallet with camera had an application for a registered design on 30 May 1956 in Germany.

A good leather wallet with the space to put a Kunik Petitax or Petie in.

And on the outside of the wallet a leather cover, to make the wallet looks a normal one.

There was room for paper money, a special part for coins and a plastic covered place for a photo or maybe a passport or so .

And there was the rectangular leather case for the Kunik camera.

You could put your camera in the case and pull out the lever in front of the wallet to make photo’s without people knowing it?

I have never seen one, but recently I could buy one.

My very good friend Herbert Engl told me he knew of the existing of two other of these wallets.

One in his collection, and other in the collection of a friend of him, and now in my collection.

He also mentioned in an article that this wallet was maybe never taken into production,

And never came farther than the status of “Prototype”.

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