The New Argus Camera is a Japanese detective camera taking 4,5×6 cm film plates , Atom -size ,made or distributed by Saneido -Honten around 1924.
The New  Argus camera is shaped as a monocular and takes pictures from the side.
The mirror viewfinder is disguised inside the fake eye
The camera has a Tessar Zeiss 1: 3,5 f 50 mm E Krauss Paris no 128820
Shutter speeds M, B and 1/25, 1/50 and 1/100
Distance scale 3 4 6 12 .

Got information via the owner of the from Tokyo about the camera .
She has told me that for 99% the camera is a New Argus from 1923.
Probably this example is a German Contessa camera especially made for the Japanese market, with Atom size film.
This camera is very rare , no photo,s to find in books and on the internet ,maybe just a few made , even the Japan Camera Museum does not have an example in their collection.

More information welcome.

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